Over the past year we’ve had a lot of enquiries from people looking to join open training courses as opposed to the tailor-made ones we usually provide. So we have decided to lay on 10 media and communication courses in the autumn, which are open to everyone, affordably priced and taught by experienced practitioners.
This autumn we’re offering ten masterclasses on how to communicate better in our Brussels training centre. Our one-day open courses are interactive, affordably-priced and led by experienced communication pros.
Mojito or Margarita? Whether your cocktail of choice is minty fresh or salty citrus, we’d be delighted if you’d join us for a drink or three to celebrate the start of summer on June 15. Please reply here if you can make it.
Our social media trainer Jon Worth is a former UK civil servant who taught EU policy making for the British government and now works with EU institutions and other clients to help them improve their social media strategies, web writing and online policy advocacy. He has written columns for POLITICO Europe, The Guardian and the World Economic Forum and has been blogging about EU affairs for over a decade. Jon lives in Berlin, but makes speeches, presentations and runs courses across Europe. He also teaches at the College of Europe in Bruges, the University of Maastricht and the University of St. Gallen. Read More
Are you terrified of journalists and perplexed by the rapid changes taking place in the media? If so, you are not alone. Reporters can be pretty intimidating and the media landscape is in constant flux.
So how can you feel more at ease with journalists and more at home in the brave new digital media world?
The aim of our next open course on November 18 is to help you understand what makes journalists tick and how to work with them to get more and better coverage. By the end of the day we want you to feel more comfortable dealing with reporters and more confident writing press releases, pitching stories and doing interviews. Read More
We are busy planning our programme of open courses for the first half of next year. We aim to have at least one, day-long paid class a month. We promise to keep prices as low as possible because we are aware many participants pay to skill up from their own pocket, rather than the company account.
In addition, we plan to offer a two-hour evening masterclass every month. These will be free, cava included!
Which classes would you like to see next? Please leave your suggestions below – or email us if you would like to arrange a customised coaching. You can find a full list of the courses we offer here.
Our next open course on Wednesday November 6 aims to teach you the basic building blocs of communicating clearly, succinctly and successfully. Over three hours -from 3 to 6 pm- we will look at:
What is your communications goal?
Who is your target audience?
What are you central messages? And how do you get people to notice and remember them?
What tools will you use to convey your message?
The training will be led by Isabelle Leonard, an expert in crisis communications. It is free of charge, although we will be shooting some video of the course for our website.
If you are interested in taking part in the training, please contact us.