Surely this shows that journalist numbers in Brussels are in constant decline, right? Again wrong. Data shows numbers have been fairly constant over the past decade.
There is a lot of misinformation about the Brussels press corps, which can lead to misunderstandings about how to deal with the 1,000 or so influential correspondents based in the EU capital. In our next open course on February 20 we will analyse previously unpublished data to look at how the press corps has changed over the last 20 years, the challenges reporters face covering the EU and how this affects the way you do business with Brussels-based journalists.
Our aim is to make you more comfortable dealing with EU reporters. So we will practice how to pitch stories and give you insider tips on the most influential outlets in the Brussels media bubble and how to approach them.
For a more detailed description of the day’s program click here.
The cost of the day course will be €285. Cava is included, VAT is not! If you are interested in taking part, please contact us.