Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Over the years, EU officials – and the tens of thousands of lobbyists, diplomats and even journalists who inhabit the Brussels bubble – have developed a bizarre, contorted language of their own. Dubbed ‘Eurospeak’ or ‘Euro-English,’ this lazy, alienating form of talking and writing relies on glueing together vague, abstract and often meaningless phrases like shards of a smashed vase, using long, complicated, show-off words where short, clear, simple ones will do and falling back on unintelligible jargon to express often simple ideas. Read More
Gareth Harding
September 30, 2014
Gareth Harding
September 15, 2014
Our next open course on October 21 will focus on how to master social media professionally and will be lead by renowned blogger and online communications consultant Jon Worth. By the end of the workshop you will be able to identify where discussions important to you and your organisation are taking place online, develop a strategy to fit social media into your overall communications planning and understand the main pros and cons of different platforms such as Twitter, blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Flickr and Youtube. Read More
Allissa Fisher
July 11, 2014
What better way to celebrate the 225th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille than by announcing that our website is now fully functioning in French?
We welcome you to visit cleareurope.eu/fr to learn more about who we are and what we have to offer. Check out our courses, including how to handle interviews, how to influence the Brussels press corps and how to master social media. We can also edit and draft texts in French, moderate your conferences and organise study visits to the EU capital for francophone groups.
Allissa Fisher
July 11, 2014
Pour célébrer la prise de la Bastille, Clear Europe se met au français avec un site complètement bilingue FR / EN.
Nous vous invitons à visiter cleareurope.eu/fr pour en savoir plus sur qui nous sommes et ce que nous faisons. Jetez un coup d’œil à nos cours: comment maîtriser les interviews, comment influencer les journalistes européens, comment utiliser les médias sociaux… Nous pouvons aussi écrire ou réécrire vos textes en français, animer vos conférences ou encore organiser des visites pédagogiques du quartier européen à Bruxelles. Read More
Gareth Harding
June 5, 2014
Foreign Affairs article by Clear Europe Managing Director Gareth Harding on how to win over euroskeptics and win back the trust of European voters.
The European Union’s democratic deficit has rarely been on clearer display than on May 26, the day after polls closed for elections to the European Parliament. Despite the fact that forces hostile to the EU had made enormous gains, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso announced that the pro-austerity status quo had “won once again.” In a narrow sense, Barroso was correct: pro-Europeans did manage to win more than three-quarters of the seats in the parliament, the EU’s only directly elected body. In four of the union’s six largest member states — Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain — the country’s ruling party topped the poll. And the motley crew of europhobes who were elected to the next parliament are united only in their disunity. Read More
Gareth Harding
May 26, 2014
In an article for Foreign Policy, Clear Europe Managing Director Gareth Harding argues that the European Commission presidential campaign might not be riveting but is a step forward for EU democracy.
Imagine a presidential campaign in which the leading contenders are unknown to the vast majority of the public, voters cannot directly cast their ballots for the candidate of their choice, and the eventual winner can be struck down in favor of a more palatable politician by ruling elites. This may sound like a sham election in a post-Soviet dictatorship. But in fact, it is the slightly surreal circumstances of the world’s first transnational presidential campaign. Read More
Gareth Harding
April 2, 2014
Gareth Harding
March 24, 2014
Despite many years of experience teaching journalism classes, this was my first foray into online training and I was nervous about its limitations – which makes the mainly positive feedback we received from participants all the more pleasing. One wrote: “That was a unique and greatly useful experience, and also very inspiring personally for me…what I received from the programme is simply priceless.” Another said she gained “valuable insight about writing and being a journalist.” Read More
Gareth Harding
January 22, 2014
The error seems to have arisen when several journalists reported that the number of accredited correspondents had fallen to 752 in March 2010, prompting a spate of lurid headlines. “The media is deserting Brussels,” shouted the normally reliable ‘Coulisses de Bruxelles’ blog. “The incredible shrinking EU press corps,” screamed The Economist’s Charlemagne column, noting that the EU press pack was in “free fall.” And in an article entitled “As the EU does more, fewer tell about it,” The New York Times claimed the number of accredited reporters in Brussels had dropped by more than one-third since 2005. Read More