Tag tips

Gareth Harding
February 25, 2019

The problem most people have talking to journalists is not one of delivery, but of content. Unless you are crystal clear about what you want to say to reporters, never do an interview. Even when you’re sure what your main messages are, never do an interview without evidence to back up your key points.
If you want to know what happens when you talk to a journalist unprepared, listen to this car-crash interview with former Green Party leader Nathalie Bennett.

Gareth Harding
July 17, 2017

Reading CVs and cover letters is like smoking cigarettes – one or two won’t harm you but constant exposure will.
Unfortunately, in my line of work – managing a small communication company and finding internships for American students in Brussels – I am exposed to more CVs than most would consider healthy.
This is not a dig at the quality of the candidates, who are often more skilled, more educated and more motivated than I am with their double masters, four to five languages and experience working in nine countries. It stems more from an honest desire to help talented people get the jobs they want without making basic mistakes. So here are 15 tips for writing a better CV, with apologies to all those anonymously quoted: