In our next open course on December 11, well-known blogger and social media trainer Jon Worth will explain how to write successfully online and promote it via social media. During the day-long class, you will learn the main techniques of effective online writing and linking – and using photos and video to illustrate content on the web. Then Jon will walk you through how to get your blogs seen on major social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
The training will be hands-on, not theoretical, with participants learning how to write online articles effectively using a secure WordPress blog created just for the course. Later, those articles will be automatically deluged with comments and learners will choose what to approve (or not) and how to reply (or not).
For a more detailed description of the course and the day’s programme, click here.
The cost of the day course will be €285. Cava is included, VAT is not! If you are interested in taking part, please contact us.