Can You Write A Good Press Release?

Are you a PR guru? Take the test and see the results!
Always send press releases as attachments to emails.
Opening attachments takes time. Always send press releases in the body of the email.
Quotes in press releases should contain opinions, not facts.
Quotes should be quotable. Strong opinions in colourful language please.
Jargon in press releases shows you are an expert in the field.
Avoid jargon because your audience may not know and care about the issue as much as you do. #curseofknowledge
Can you write a good press release?
You may want to improve your knowledge by joining our Perfecting
Press Releases course on November 7. Book now via the Eventbrite link below.
Fairly well...
You can still learn more with our Perfecting Press Releases
course on November 7. Book now via the Eventbrite link below.
Congratulations! Join our Perfecting Press Releases course on November 7 to get a deeper insight. Book now via the Eventbrite link below.
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