

“I loved it. The case studies were very practical, interesting and exciting.” – Dzintra Svavebaha, Project Manager

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European Commission


We have provided numerous training courses for the European Commission including coaching officials to write more clearly, helping EU ambassadors to give better media interviews and training communication officers for the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises. We helped organise and deliver a three-day training for journalists in Vietnam on how to better report the EU. And together with Prague-based NGO Transitions, we developed an innovative training course on reporting the EU for Czech journalists.

About Allissa Fisher

Allissa is Clear Europe's Communication Manager. She graduated from the University of Missouri with degrees in journalism, business management and international relations. She has experience in website development, multimedia production and has written for several print publications. Since moving to Belgium, Allissa has found she prefers the rest of the world's football to her native country's version.